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WebStatsDomain logo
how to know everything about a website

WebStatsDomain is a free web application that shows which keywords particular domains were optimized for. This information can help you determine why competing sites are more popular on search engine results. In addition to providing a list of domains and their keywords on the homepage, the site also lets you search for particular domain names and keyword set.

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Xmark logo

Description not available.

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Builtwith logo
Find Out Server Info, CMS and Other Statistics of a Websit

BuiltWith is a powerful online tool that automatically detects information about a particular website, such as server info, which CMS the site is using, which advertising and analytics the site is using, Javascript libraries, SEO details and much more.

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Internet Archive Wayback machine logo
archiving the internet for future generations

Browse through over 150 billion web pages archived from 1996 to a few months ago. To start surfing the Wayback, type in the web address of a site or page where you would like to start, and press enter. Then select from the archived dates available. The resulting pages point to other archived pages at as close a date as possible. Keyword searching is not currently supported.

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Dataopedia logo

Dataopedia provides websites informations, including stats, related websites, user geolocalization...

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Networksolutions whois logo

Description not available.

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SocialMeter logo
determine the popularity of a web page on social sites

SocialMeter allows you to determine the popularity of a web page on social sites like Digg, delicious, Google Bookmarks, etc. Type the web address of any web page and Social meter will show you the exact number of times that page has been digged, bookmarked or saved on various social websites.

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Statsie logo

Description not available.

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WhoIsHostingThis.com logo

WhoIsHostingThis.com will show you the name of the company that's hosting the website.

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w3who.net logo

With w3who, you can find sites from one owner. W3who.net maintains a database of adsense/ google-analytics publisher ids to identify website networks. Furthermore, you can lookup miscellaneous information on a domain - ip address, server location, websites hosted on the same ip and similarly targeted sites by keywords.

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urlmetrix logo

Description not available.

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YouGetSignal.com logo
see which websites are your neighbours

YouGetSignal performs a Reverse IP Check and lets you know about other websites that are hosted on the same web server as your site. This is useful information because sometimes one bad site can impact all the neighbours. You may then request your web hosting company to move your site to a different web server.

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WhoIsTheOwner.net logo
contact address, email and phone number of the website owner

WhoIsTheOwner.net will allow you to know the contact address, email and phone number of the website owner. Since most whois services on the web are tied to particular domain registrars, you cannot find the ownership details of that site by doing a whois query. WhoIsTheOwner is different because it queries the whois database of all popular domain registrars.

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