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adBrite logo

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Mabber logo
Category: Chat creators

Mabber is a simple, basic chat widget. No frills or gimmicks. It has an easy set-up process and intuitive interface, which makes this a good choice if you're looking to add a little something extra to your site.

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sitevaluecalculator logo
Category: Site estimation

Description not available. Registration not required.

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dnfellow logo

Description not available. Registration not required.

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meebome logo
Category: Chat creators

MeeboMe is the leader in the space. This spin-off of the original multiple client chat (Meebo) is a nice, simple chat widget. It features publisher status, user nickname editing, and sound control. Also be sure to check out MeeboRooms, launched earlier this year.

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websitevalued logo
Category: Site estimation

Description not available. Registration not required.

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PubStop logo

Description not available. Registration required.

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Bidvertiser logo

Description not available. Registration required.

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Vibrant Media logo
in-content and ad platform that gets your brand discovered

Vibrant Media (www.vibrantmedia.com) is the world's leading provider of in-content contextual technology that gets brand content and advertising discovered across platforms. With over 6,600 premium publishers, reaching more than 300 million unique users per month (comScore, 2012), Vibrant gives top brand marketers the opportunity to deliver highly targeted advertisements and branded content within text and images. Vibrant works with top brand advertisers such as Hewlett Packard, Microsoft, P & G, Sainsbury's and Unilever. The company was founded in 2000 and has offices in New York, San Francisco, Detroit, Chicago, Los Angeles, Boston, Atlanta, London, Paris, Hamburg, Munich and Dusseldorf. Registration required.

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Spider Simulator logo

A lot of content and links displayed on a web page may not actually be visible to the search engines, e.g. Flash based content, content generated through JavaScript, content displayed as images, and so on. Basically anything rendered on the client side may not visible to search engines. This tool simulates a search engine by displaying the contents of a web page in exactly the way the search engine spider would see it. Registration not required.

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Chitika logo

Description not available. Registration required.

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Exit Junction logo

Exit Junction offers a unique approach to advertising that is compatible with all the other Ad Networks included Google Adsense. The key to Exit junction is that they focus on showing ads to users as they leave your site rather than as they arrive or as they browse. This approach offers you an additional way to monetize your traffic and also capture ad revenue from those that stumble upon your site from a search engine and then immediately leave. By adding a small piece of Exit Junction code to the header section of your site users are shown an advert as they hit the back button. For example, if a user came to your site from a Google search and then immediately hit the back button to return to that search they would be shown an Exit Junction Ad in between your page and the Google search and you get paid for this impression. The ad is directly targeted to the search term that brought the visitor to your site in the first place. Hence Exit Junction is an ideal way of complimenting your existing ad services and so increasing your sites revenue without having to switch from your current ad provider. Exit junction also covers all countries. You get paid for all traffic exiting you site regardless of its origin. They offer fee free payout via Check or PayPal with earnings of as little as $25 on a monthly basis. Registration required.

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Yahoo Publisher Network logo

Description not available. Registration required.

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Microsoft Advertising Pub center logo

Description not available. Registration not required.

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Oxa Media logo

Description not available. Registration required.

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Commission junction logo
online advertising

Commission Junction facilitates and supports equitable, lucrative relationships between advertisers and publishers. Registration not required.

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clicksor logo
deliver where it matters

Clicksor offers webmasters the opportunity to earn additional income by using a selection of clickable text or targeted contextual banners on their websites or blogs.

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Pocketcents logo

Description not available. Registration required.

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Kontera logo

Description not available. Registration required.

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htaccess tips and tricks logo

Description not available. Registration not required.

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